STEM Egypt

High School for Boys

STEM Egypt

STEM High School for Boys 6th of October

For a better future

A place for tomorrow's brightest minds to break the boundaries, unleash their latent potential, and create the center of excellence.
that embody trans-disciplinary collaboration, real-world applications, critical thinking, and pioneering spirit.
school buildingresidentiary building

To inspire joy at the prospect of discovery, and to foster a culture of innovation based on ethical behavior and the shared interests of humanity.

Ranked as Egypt's best High School, STEM High School for Boys - 6th of October
Offering a unique system that focuses on scientific, mathematical, and technological fields, STEM schools target high-potential students who demonstrate strong academic skills.



Accepting only about 150 out of 5000 students annually, STEM October is pretty competitive. Indeed, the school targets prospective students with demonstrated passion and aptitude for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.