Exchange Programs

Exchange and summer programs our students took part in

Yale Young Global Scholars (YYGS)

2018: 1 Exchange

Names of people who went:

  • Mostafa Sabra

2019: 2 Exchanges

Names of people who went:

  • Antony Emil
  • Omar Essam

Yale Young African Scholars (YYAS)

2018: 1 Exchange

Names of people who went:

  • Ahmed Abdelkader

BP Global STEM Academy

2018: 2 Exchanges

Names of people who went:

  • Abdullah Gaber
  • Zeyad Tolba

2019: 1 Exchange

Names of people who went:

  • Seif El-Maleh

EducationUSA Academy at Johns Hopkins University

2018: 1 Exchange

Names of people who went:

  • Mazen Kazem

EducationUSA Academy at St. Cloud University

2019: 1 Exchange

Names of people who went:

  • Seif Ahmed

EducationUSA Academy at University of Colorado Boulder

2019: 1 Exchange

Names of people who went:

  • Mohamed Salah

International Deutschland Plus cultural exchange program

2017: 2 Exchanges

Names of people who went:

  • Alaa Adel
  • Mahmoud Farouk

2019: 2 Exchanges

Names of people who went:

  • Abdullah Gaber
  • Omar Essam

IWP Between the Lines Program

2018: 1 Exchange

Names of people who went:

  • Abdulhalim Mirah

MIT LaunchX Summer Program at Northwestern University

2018: 1 Exchange

Names of people who went:

  • Mustafa Ehab

MIT LaunchX Summer Program at Massachusetts Institute of Technology

2019: 1 Exchange

Names of people who went:

  • Mohamed Soliman

Michigan’s Technological University’s Engineering Scholars Program

2019: 1 Exchange

Names of people who went:

  • Yehia Abdelmoniem